You won’t find it
On a hook by the door
or in a bottle of gin
tucked in a drawer.
Not in longer hours at work
or washing 14 floors.
The key to life
isn’t found in pews
though pastors say
they hold the view.
It’s a journey inside
that unlocks the cage of your heart,
leaving you to wonder
why it took so long
to believe
in heaven’s love and earth’s glory –
this balance
that holds the key.
This poem came to me this morning while musing about a golden key a dear client gave me as she asked me to unlock the way to her joyful self.
I hesitated, telling her she has the key, not I.
My early morning awareness held a deep understanding that life’s amazing gifts open to us when we surrender to the power of heaven and to the glory of ourselves on this incredible earth, balancing these two energies.
Life isn’t about the latest iphone or tablet or social media forum.
Not about the latest fashion, lipstick, or restaurant.
These things are a part of life to experience some delight, of course. But they’re not lasting, or life-giving.
Our REAL lives are reached through an inside job.
Real life is deeply forgiving ourselves.
It’s deeply loving our flaws and golden moments.
It’s growing in compassion for the journey each soul is on.
Real life is about not buying into the ego’s voices and needs, because our egos will never be satisfied.
We’ll always feel we don’t have enough. That we’re not enough.
Until we stop listening to those voices.
Until we realize we are more than enough.
This happens when we embrace who we really are.
All the gifts we’ve been given. All the talents we’ve nurtured.
That our Being Who We Are is exactly, imperfectly perfect.
Living into our individual lives is the highest road we can take.
If you’d like support on your journey to wholeness, contact me today to set up a get acquainted call. We’ll see if working together makes good sense.