In the last couple of weeks, life’s given me a repeat lesson, one life’s given me a number of times before.
Thank you, life!
And beginning today, I believe I will no longer need this lesson. I’m ready to respond differently.
Time will tell, of course.
I’m hopeful, optimist that I am.
It seems fitting that sharing this lesson with you is appropriate, because you may learn from my mistakes, and writing this could help solidify my new behavior.
Without burdening you with the details, I’ll say this:
I’ve learned not to go along, or say yes, on an initial phone call where someone is proposing I do something they want me to do.
Also, I’ve learned not to go along, or say yes, in person to anyone when they are proposing I do something they want me to do.
I will say I need time to consider their requests.
In both instances, I went along, saying yes….before the proposals moved through my emotions and heart, when I realized in both cases that the actual answers were no.
Thankfully, I haven’t beaten myself up too much for changing my mind, but I have felt awkward and a bit crummy for turning those yes responses around.
I would much rather make centered, wise choices than say one thing and go back on my word.
So, dear friends, if you have a proposal for me, bring it on.
I’ll get back to you.