Heating water for tea this morning, I muse about Presence, the theme this week in the Circle of Joy.*
My mind drifts to those times I viewed my life through foggy windows, like the steamy windows I notice as Ben cooks up a specialty.
Looking through steamy windows, the view isn’t clear.
There definitely were times in my life I wasn’t truly seeing what was there.
I wasn’t present.
I was seeing life through a lens of fantasy or longing…not the situation as it really existed.
Does this sound familiar?
Have you experienced this?
Or have you watched a family member live in denial of a situation they’re in?
It’s a common human condition…not seeing the truth of life in front of us.
What a wake-up call to my mind when I realized I could ask a loved one to clarify what was going on, instead of looping a story in my head.
With direct questioning, she asked for forgiveness.
And I released her from torturing my mind.
Being real.
Living directly.
Being awake to what’s going on, instead of living in our heads about a situation.
The path is to stop looking through foggy windows, notice what’s really occurring, and take action that moves us forward to healthier ways of being.
Maybe the situation calls for us to heal our co-dependence, maybe it asks us to leave an abusive partner, maybe it asks us to take responsibility for our finances, or awaken to care for our body in new ways.
The circumstances are endless.
What is life really asking? Are you seeing the situation clearly or through fog?
Until we look through clear windows on our situation, we aren’t seeing what’s actually there.
May you live into more reality of the treasures in life, expanding your joy!
*Circles of Joy are small groups of women gathering to celebrate and expand joy in Brevard, NC. Contact me if you’d like to know about a class, or if you’d like to purchase the journaling prompts.
What a great realization and a beautiful way to illustrate an important learning!
Thank you so much, Stacie!
I’m glad this article resonates with you as meaningful and important.
May those who could benefit find this touchstone!