This gorgeous photo is one of many taken on a beautiful June afternoon in the countryside of western Ireland.
I still pinch myself that I went on this trip, and I’ll say a little more about it, in case my words can inform your path.
Historically, I was a wait and see kind of gal.
My husband would say, Let’s get a new kitchen, and I’d wonder why we needed one. Then I’d pretty much sit back while he planned the whole thing out.
Or I’d be working away on my computer, and he’d say, I’m going to build you a desk and buy a new computer.
What that really meant was that he couldn’t fit at my old desk when he wanted to work there, and he preferred a speedier machine.
I was definitely passive, as if the hand-me-down lifestyle of my childhood was still hanging on.
As if taking up space, or saying what I’d like weren’t options.
I definitely didn’t hold strong opinions about physical spaces.
You see, I wasn’t grounded in my body then, so the physical world didn’t carry much weight from my standpoint.
So back to the summer trip to Ireland…
Last spring, I received notice of a Luminous Woman Weekend that would be held in October, offered by Chelsea Wakefield.
I’d received notices of Luminous Weekends before, and it always intrigued me, but the timing never worked out.
Until it did.
Which was last October.
A few days before attending, I had a knowing that it would open up into something else for me.
Either it was a true premonition or it was a feeling based on what life had been teaching me….that when I say Yes, stepping into new experiences, life opens up in ways I don’t imagine.
For instance, I decided to enter my first craft fair with radiant creations (beautiful, handmade products available on this site) in the fall of 2011. At the show, I met women who invited me to join a women’s business group called SheBiz that met monthly in Asheville.
Through attending SheBiz, I met a wonderful woman named Sajit, who offered me an astrology reading in exchange for radiant creations.
After my reading, Sajit suggested I meet Jessica Chilton.
When I met Jessica, thoroughly enjoying our time together, she offered me a package in Creative Wellness.
I took time to consider if that was for me or not, and I had a follow-up call with Jessica.
Then I signed up for her program, which made a HUGE difference in my ability to heal more into wholeness, so I could step into the world with a website, ezine, and more.
The Luminous Weekend turned out to be completely rich and wonderful, radiant creations went home with a few participants, and when the visiting poet Tracey Schmidt and Chelsea handed out a flyer about a June Creativity Retreat in Ireland, I wondered…is this for me to say Yes to?
After the Weekend, I reflected on a potential journey to Ireland, and I realized I could combine it with visiting my younger son in Germany.
I signed up, and a couple weeks ago, I enjoyed a wonderful few days with Kevin in Dusseldorf, Germany before attending the wondrous, meaningful retreat on the west coast of Ireland in Mulranny, where we roamed amazing scenery, ate incredible food, and learned more as we deepened into wholeness.
Are you interested in a gentle, joyful guide as you live into more of your wholeness? Schedule your complimentary, 30-minute call with me to see if we’re a good fit.