Walking down the hill behind our home to collect more black walnuts, a vine grabs my leg.
I shake it off, continuing.
Then as I search the ground to add nuts to my pail, I find myself in a thicket of reedy plants, with the occasional thorn catching my shirt.
As I head up the hill with a full bucket of harvested bounty, I muse about all the thickets we encounter in life, and the ways we do or don’t maneuver through them.
How often are we held hostage by a thorny worry or a rampant problem circling like a gangly vine?
Are we holding resentments or blaming someone else for the way our lives are going?
Can we untangle the brambles of our history so we’re living clearly in the present?
Is it time to change something, maybe in the ways we spend our time, so we can give ourselves the chance to create new habits, release emotional pain, and live into the moments before us?
Can we digest fewer fear-based messages from the culture and increasing peace-filled guidance from silence and our guides?
There’s a hero’s and heroine’s journey we’re each invited to take – the one where we heal from the grip of our egoic minds and live into our soul’s reason for being alive right now.
I wonder if that last sentence makes sense to you.
Do you know that if you’re living in fear of the way the world is going, or if you’re addicted to television news, or if you think you need to have the latest purse or boots, you’re likely held hostage by your ego instead of hosting your highest self, your God self, your original nature who came to be a light, a peace maker, a radiant being loving yourself and our world.
If you’d like a guide on your journey to live into the highest you possible, contact me today.