How does the headline speak within you?
Are you showing up in ways you enjoy?
Are you hiding in clothes too large?
Are you wounded in ways that keep you from shining?
Is it time to say words to another that have percolated long enough?
May we show up in new ways!
Awakening to torrential rainfall when I’d planned to attend a monthly networking meeting, I muse…hmmm…this would be a fine day to snuggle inside.
Next, I consider that I haven’t been able to attend this partcular gathering in months, we’re allowed to bring items for sale and I adore the women who attend.
So…off I go, praying for protection amid the haze of rain, arriving safely and grateful.
Also arriving?
A smaller group than normal, which creates one fabulous meeting, plus….a new attendee zips over when we finish to buy the three books I’ve published.
Walking outside afterwards, nothing but sunshine and blue skies.
Am I ever glad that I showed up!
The next day at Pilates, I share the tale with my instructor, who tells me a companion story regarding her teenage son.
This young man I’ll call Henry refs soccer for elementary school girls through the Recreation Department.
This rainy Saturday, he wonders about showing up or not, when Mom advises him to honor his commitment. They’ll send you home if it’s cancelled.
Henry is a caring, teaching ref in the rain who receives pats on the back from parents, as well as squeals of glee from the girls.
When soggy parents attempt to end early, the girls chant a litany to keep playing. Their ref showed up for them, and they showed up to play…which adds up to a scenario that makes me smile.
How do these stories land inside you?
How often do you stay home or venture onward?
Is it time to tweak your practices?
Do you have a tale of showing up?
Let me know.