Enjoy this article which first appeared in The Transylvania Times, Brevard, North Carolina
…In each moment you exist in an exquisite perfection of your own making, and your own collaboration with one another… The Way of Mastery
How connected are you with yourself, honoring your understandings, values, and ways?
How connected are you with others?
I invite you to consider these ideas for a few moments before reading on.
On my unique journey, I’ve given plenty of thought to connecting and connections. I tucked inside myself for decades, hiding, before I felt comfortable enough to connect differently.
These days, I’m present with a quiet mind and an open heart to what’s before me, understanding how connected everything is to everything else.
I love surprises connecting me with people from my past and living into moments steeped in mystery.
Decades ago in northeastern Ohio, a friend who knows there’s a writer within me invites me to a Women’s Writing Weekend at Punderson State Park. I register, excited to attend.
Driving the tree-lined entry road to the lodge that spring, an intuitive awareness arises – I’ll run into someone I know.
Entering the lobby, I’m welcomed by a writer I met two years earlier; at dinner, I notice I’m sitting next to a woman I knew in high school; and as I settle into my chair before Saturday morning’s breakout session called Writing from the Body, a woman speaks in my direction.
“You look familiar to me.”
Looking up, I rise with astonishment to embrace her, “You’re my high school English teacher!!”
Mrs. Ague (Elma) and I speak during breaks and at lunch. Though Elma and I are different ages with different paths, we sweetly resonate during subsequent visits, sharing interests including family, poetry therapy, and spiritual awareness, even attending together a poetry therapy weekend offered by John Fox.
Our like-hearted journeys elevate one another, continuing through Elma’s last years when she publishes her book of poetry, surprisingly dedicating it to me.
Connecting with spiritual circles and writing groups invites me to feel nurtured and blessed for years. I become a church leader, and I facilitate Writing with Spirit classes, developing many close relationships over time.
Before moving away from my loving circle of northeast Ohio friends, I’m honored with a 50th birthday event, celebrating our time shared as they love me onward to Brevard. Afterwards, the hostess gives me an Ode to Joy scrapbook and an overflowing bag of photos and mementos.
Living in Brevard these last 16 years, I’ve reread/treasured this scrapbook of divine connections. In June, my heart invites me to share these scrapbook pages. I send each soul a copy of their page with a letter, thanking them for our long-ago connection and for their presence that summer morning of 2007.
I receive thank you texts, an invitation to speak at The Heart Center in northeast Ohio, and emails, including one from Alma Faroo, 96 years young:
Dearest Joy,
You have brought joy into my life! I have many wonderful memories of my times with you! I remember your creativity and have followed how you’ve developed into a writer to spread your positive understanding of life. Thank you for recalling those times for me. I’m living with my daughter and kind of house bound…
I believe there’s no time limit to expressing our hearts. When we’re ready, we get to extend love, care, letters, or pick up the phone. It’s never too late to make amends or to extend love.
Yet, where do we begin with others if we’re not comfortable in our own skin?
How do we reach out if we’re attached to what will happen next?
How do we let others in if we’re afraid of being hurt?
Begin expressing yourself on paper and spend time in spaces where you feel at ease.
Lean into understanding you’re loved, loving, and lovable.
Reach out when you can, connecting your heart with another, bringing joy to others as only you can.
I’m grateful my journey includes decades of daily journaling and time gathering in safe spaces with trusting friends, leading to all I offer others. When we heal into empowered humans who feel good with ourselves, we bring gifts where we wander.
Joy Resor is an author of inspiring books, a spiritual mentor, and an Alliance of Divine Love Minister who leads local classes supporting personal growth.