The first page of The Joy Movement tab has been in flux this week. First, we listed the 27 ways: How To Add More Joy Into The World, one way for each letter. Then we removed everything except the ways coordinating with the word HOW, so we presented the first three ways.
Now we want to name the other 24 ways, because you may be a person who’s already mastered the first three! So we share with you our list of the next ways, coordinating with the words To Add More Joy Into The World. Wishing you all the best!
And, as always, we invite you to join the conversation. Write in! Tell your friends. Join the Joy Movement!!
T ouch with gentleness your face as you look in the mirror, helping you open your heart to the unique soul you are.
O pen your cabinets to give away what you don’t need.
A llow more time each day to connect with stillness.
D elight in the changing glory of an Azalea.
D ream of a world where joy is everyone’s birthright.
M ill around your neighborhood to meet your neighbors.
O pen yourself to feeling your emotions.
R un to the corner and back.
E at more healthy food and less junk.
J ump up and down on a pogo stick.
O rganize a Joy on Your Shoulders TM (JOYS) Chapter.*
Y earn for all the peace, joy, and love we can live into.
I nvite someone new into your home.
N od off earlier, rest the television.
T reat a stranger to a mixed bouquet of flowers.
O wn your power to create more joy in your life.
T reat yourself and each person you encounter with radical kindness.
H ear the call in your heart.
E ase into one change at a time.
W rap joy on a door post.**
O pen yourself to possibility.
R elease rigid thinking.
L ove the moment before you.
D ecide that healing into all the joy you can hold is worth it.
*I imagine chapters springing up around any of these ideas or your own, groups of conscious folks who’d like to help add joy into their lives and communities. As chapters form, we at Joy on Your Shoulders ™(J.O.Y.S.) would LOVE to feature you in our web world and offer you support, such as discounts on J.O.Y.S. radiant creations and books.
**We’re referring to a new J.O.Y.S. product we’ll have available soon. Watch for the announcement!