We have a mystery vine that's overtaking pots and buckets, and all manner of gardening items beneath our deck. It's a curious thing to Ben even though he possesses rich gardening experience, so if you recognize it, please let us know. July and August allowed this hearty vine to enjoy a festive time wrapping around pillars and more. Now … [Read more...]
Treasuring Memories
Soon. Very soon, I shall lug my collection of vinyl albums up the stairs, down the gravel walk, and into the car. I’ll drive them to the local record store, haul them inside, and return another day for payment. Though I know they won’t net much releasing them this way, I no longer care. I’m worn out holding my vinyl sweeties this long, … [Read more...]
Return to the Joy Inside
Are you at ease with yourself? Do you smile when you make a mistake? Extend kindness to all? Sweet! Sounds like you've found a way back to your soulful self. Or is the opposite going on within you? Maybe your inner critics have you in a vise. Or you've got a kink in your body from an old emotional wound. You have my compassion. I've … [Read more...]