My phone rings at 11:26 a.m. Where are you? says the caller to pajama-clad me typing away, getting ready for tomorrow’s speaking engagement. Wow! My brain swiftly organizes from chaos to realize this is the person who invited me to give a talk in front of a group of women tomorrow. And she’s on the phone saying the program is today. And … [Read more...]
Reverie over a Container of Compost
Slipping my morning lemon slice into the compost bin, I spy what’s grown overnight - vibrant green mold on a piece of old bread - and it brings my thoughts to what grows in the dark. I think of how healthy plants and people need light to thrive, and how secrets hiding in the shadows of a relationship can grow moldy, mucking up a healthy … [Read more...]
Seeing the Blue Jay is Music Enough
Before settling in to write, my dirty kitchen calls, and it’s less than six feet from my desk. I want to put on some energizing music for the task, but I hit barrier after barrier to play a CD in my computer or to open iTunes. It’s maddening, and I find myself beginning to get riled up. What’s with my computer?! Why can’t I do this … [Read more...]
Take a Break from TV to See What Arises
In my childhood, our family ate dinner with Chet Huntley and David Brinkley reporting the news. My assigned task was to hurdle the pet gate to turn the living room set to its nuclear noise level before racing back, re-hurdling, and finding my seat at the white Formica table (to eat in silence as we played out a family dysfunction). In later … [Read more...]